Ehsan-Ul Haq

Computer Science and Engineering

euhaq at

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong

Google Scholar

I am currently working as postdoctoral fellow with professor Gareth Tyson at HKUST-GZ.

I completed my PhD in Computer Science and Engineering under the supervision of professor Pan Hui and professor Tristan Bruad. My research is focused on developing methods to improve privacy for online users, mitigate bias from research methods, and characterize online users' behavior and their engagements in response to offline events.

Key Words: Social Computing, Web, Human-Computer Interaction, Privacy, Internet Measurements, Bias

If you are interested in these areas and want to collaborate with me, feel free to email me.


  1. Unpacking the Layers: Exploring Self-Disclosure Norms, Engagement Dynamics, and Privacy Implications. Ehsan-Ul Haq, Shalini Jangra, Suparna De, Nishanth Sastry, and Gareth Tyson. In Companion Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2025 (WWW’25 Companion), April 28–May 02, 2025, Sydney, NSW, Australia
  2. History in Making: Political Campaigns in the Era of Artificial Intelligence-Generated Content. Ehsan-Ul Haq, Yiming Zhu, Pan Hui, and Gareth Tyson. In Companion Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2024 (WWW’24 Companion), May 13–17, 2024, Singapore, Singapore
  3. APT-Pipe: An Automatic Prompt-Tuning Tool for Social Computing Data Annotation. Yiming Zhu, Zhizhuo Yin, Gareth Tyson, Ehsan-Ul Haq, Paul Lee and Pan Hui. In ACM Web Conference (WWW), Singapore 2024
  4. Understanding Characteristics of Catalyst Users in the WallStreetBets Community. Ehsan-Ul Haq, Yiming Zhu, Zijun Lin, Haodi Weng, Gareth Tyson, Lik Hang Lee, Reza Hadi Mogavi, Tristan Braud, and Pan Hui. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 23) Turkey, November 2023
  5. Echo Chambers within the Russo-Ukrainian War: The Role of Bipartisan Users. Peixian Zhang, Ehsan-Ul Haq, Yiming Zhu, Pan Hui, and Gareth Tyson. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 23) Turkey, November 2023
  6. An Analysis of Twitter Discourse on the War Between Russia and Ukraine. Haris Bin Zia, Ehsan-Ul Haq, Ignacio Castro, Pan Hui, and Gareth Tyson. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 23) Turkey, November 2023
  7. A Measurement Study of the Partisan News Sharing in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine in 2022. Yiming Zhu, Ehsan-Ul Haq, Gareth Tyson, Lik-Hang Lee, Yuyang Wang, and Pan Hui. In Proceedings of the 18th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), June 2024
  8. An Analysis of Twitter Discourse on the War Between Russia and Ukraine. Haris Bin Zia, Ehsan-Ul Haq, Ignasio Castro, Pan Hui, and Gareth Tyson. arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.11390, 2023
  9. Ghost Booking as a New Philanthropy Channel: A Case Study on Ukraine-Russia Conflict. Fachrina D. Puspitasari, Gareth Tyson, Ehsan-Ul Haq, Pan Hui, and Lik-Hang Lee. ACM Hypertext 2023
  10. Envisioning an Inclusive Metaverse: Student Perspectives on Accessible and Empowering Metaverse-Enabled Learning. Reza Hadi Mogavi, Jennifer Hoffman, Chao Deng, Yiwei Du, Ehsan-Ul Haq, Pan Hui L@S ’23, Copenhagen, Denmark July 20–22, 2023
  11. Can chatgpt reproduce human-generated labels? a study of social computing tasks . Yiming Zhu, Peixian Zhang, Ehsan-Ul Haq, Pan Hui, Gareth Tyson. arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.10145
  12. Your Favorite Gameplay Speaks Volumes about You: Predicting User Behavior and Hexad Type. Reza Hadi Mogavi, Chao Deng, Jennifer Hoffman, Ehsan-Ul Haq, Sujit Gujar, Antonio Bucchiarone, Pan Hui. arxiv preprint arXiv: 2302.05623
  13. Exploring Mental Health Communications among Instagram Coaches. Ehsan-Ul Haq, Lik-Hang Lee, Gareth Tyson, Reza Hadi Mogavi, Tristan Braud, and Pan Hui. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM) 2022. November 2022. Istanbul, Turkey
  14. It’s all Relative! A Method to Counter Human Bias in Crowdsourced Stance Detection of News Articles. Ehsan-Ul Haq, Yang K. Lu and Pan Hui. In Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2022)
  15. Weaponising Social Media for Information Divide and Warfare. Ehsan-Ul Haq, Gareth Tyson, Tristan BRAUD, Pan HUI. ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT-22) 2022, Barcelona, Spain Blue Sky Award
  16. Tips, Tidings, and Tech: Governmental Communication on Facebook During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Ehsan-Ul Haq, Tristan BRAUD, Lik Hang LEE, Reza Hadi MOGAVI, He ZHANG, Pan HUI. dg.o 2022: 23rd Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research. South Korea, June 15-17, 2022.
  17. When Gamification Spoils Your Learning: A Qualitative Case Study of Gamification Misuse in a Language-Learning App. Reza Hadi Mogavi, Bingcan Guo, Yuanhao Zhang, Ehsan-Ul Haq, Pan Hui, and Xiaojuan Ma. In Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Learning at Scale (L@S) Conference 2022, Roosevelt Island, New York City, USA, June 2022.
  18. The role of Instagram for Social Activism. Ehsan-Ul Haq, Tristan Braud, Yui-Pan Yau, Lik Hang Lee, Franziska Keller, and Pan Hui. In Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2022 (WWW 2022), Lyon France, April 2022.
  19. Short, Colorful, and Irreverent! A Comparative Analysis of New Users on WallstreetBets During the Gamestop Short-squeeze. Ehsan-Ul Haq, Tristan Braud, Lik Hang Lee, Anish Krishna Vallapuram, Yue Yu, Gareth Tyson and Pan Hui. In Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2022 (WWW 2022) Industry Track, Lyon France, April 2022.
  20. Student Barriers to Active Learning in Synchronous Online Classes: Characterization, Reflections, and Suggestions. Reza Hadi Mogavi, Yankun Zhao, Ehsan-Ul Haq, Pan Hui, and Xiaojuan Ma. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Learning@ Scale (L@S2021), Potsdam Germany, June 23-25, 2021
  21. Community matters more than anonymity: analysis of user interactions on the Quora Q&A platform. Ehsan-Ul Haq, Tristan Braud, and Pan Hui. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM) 2020. December 2020. Virtual Conference (Short Paper).
  22. Enemy at the Gate: Evolution of Twitter User's Polarization During National Crisis. Ehsan-Ul Haq, Tristan Braud, Young Dae Kwon, and Pan Hui. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM) 2020. December 2020. Virtual Conference (Short Paper).
  23. GeoLifecycle: User Engagement of Geographical Exploration and Churn Prediction in LBSNs. Young D. Kwon, Dimitris Chatzopoulos, Ehsan-Ul Haq, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, and Pan Hui. In Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT/UbiComp), London, September 2019.
  24. Effects of Ego Networks and Communities on Self-Disclosure in an Online Social Network. Young D. Kwon, Reza Hadi Mogavi, Ehsan-Ul Haq, Youngjin Kwon, Xiaojuan Ma, and Pan Hui. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM'2019), Vancouver, Canada, August 27-30,
  1. D2D Task Offloading: A Dataset-based Q&A. Dimitris Chatzopoulos, Carlos Bermejo, Ehsan-Ul Haq, Yong Li, and Pan Hui IEEE Communication Magazine Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Series (Accepted on 12 June 2018)
  2. A Survey on Computational Politics. Ehsan-Ul Haq, Tristan Braud, Young D. Kwon, and Pan Hui. IEEE Access (Date of acceptance: 18 October 2020).
Technical Reports
  1. The spread of rumors on and across social media platforms”, November 2020. A public policy report for Hong Kong Government. Franziska Keller, Pan Hui, Tristan Braud, Ehsan-Ul Haq, Ting Yin NG, Hanying Wei
Dataset Papers
  1. A Twitter Dataset for Pakistani Political Discourse. Ehsan-Ul Haq, Haris Bin Zia, Reza Hadi Mogavi, Gareth Tyson, Yang K. Lu, Tristan Braud, Pan Hui
  2. Twitter dataset for 2022 russo-ukrainian crisis. Ehsan-Ul Haq, Gareth Tyson, Lik-Hang Lee, Tristan Braud, Pan Hui
  3. A Reddit Dataset for the Russo-Ukrainian Conflict in 2022. Yiming Zhu, Ehsan-Ul Haq, Lik-Hang Lee, Gareth Tyson, and Pan Hui

Professional Services

  • SPC ACM CIKM (2023-24)
  • Associate Chair (AC): ACM CSCW (2023-25)
  • SPC/PC Member: ICWSM - International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (2019-25) Best Reviewer (2023), Best SPC (2024)
  • Reviewer: ACM WWW - WebConf (2024-25)
  • PC Member: ACM Hypertext Conference (2023)
  • Reviewer: IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Science
  • Reviewer: ACM CHI - Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (2020-24)
  • Reviewer: IEEE Communication Magazine
  • Reviewer: ACM DG.O Digital Government Research

PhD Students Mentorship

  • Yiming Zhu
  • Peixian Zhang
  • Yupeng He

UROP/Interns/Research Assistant Mentorship at HKUST

  • Samuel Lau
  • Bruce Yue Yu
  • Oktarian Bassett
  • Bowen Gao
Plain Academic